Pro TexturePlayer
Ver. 1.2.6
Pro TexturePlayer provides a set of powerful image playback, display, and loading APIs for your professional apps/games. Easy load and display image sequences in your Unity app and game.
The best solution for displaying image banners, posters that load with URL and local file path, or load images from the local folder and play like a slideshow or simply display them like a gallery app.
This package is integrated with several important features that tackle many issues for loading, displaying and managing images for your app. Optimized for better performance, ease of use, and help prevent app crashes when a large number of images are loaded.
Example scenes included.
Image Cache Management
Cache the downloaded images on local storage (Application Paths), so your app doesn't need to re-download the images every time between runs.
Memory Usage Optimization
Significantly less memory usage when multiple images are loaded in the player. Ensure better stability and performance.
Texture Resize
Resize the loaded textures without changing the origin files, by inputting the target width and height in the Play method.
Texture Player Controls
Play, Pause, Resume, Stop, PlayForward, PlayBackward, Display particular image by texture index, examples of Callbacks for handling events such as image click event.
Play images with list/array of URL or local path.
Play textures list/array.
Play images from the local folder with the folder path (the application paths, not the native gallery),
Play images like a slideshow, or just simply display them.
Playback Controls: Play, Pause, Resume, Stop, Rewind.
Customizable playback framerate.
Trigger callbacks/events with the image ID of the particular image (e.g. click on the image to trigger an event by its ID).
Build-in image resize feature, easily constraint the size of all the images by specifying the target width and height.
Optimize Memory Usage option, significantly save memory usage for loaded textures in the scene.
Supports display on UGUI Image & RawImage, Renderers(Cube, Plane, Sphere, etc.);
Displays on materials/objects that support Texture2D or Sprite. Easy to extend with the PlayerComponent.
Pro TexturePlayer includes the below assets and plugins (full package and license) :
Support Platform
- Unity5 and newer, Unity Pro/Plus & Personal
- Supports Unity Editor, Mobile & Desktop platforms.
* Note that TexturePlayer is not a replacement of video players to play very long sequence of images (in that case, you should use a video player). Instead, Pro TexturePlayer lets you control the display and playback of every loaded image with highly customizable settings specified above, anywhere in your scene.
The included ImageLoader package provides flexible methods and settings to load and cache the downloaded images in your app.